Strategic Crisis Management
Be comfortable in any situation
Are you prepared?
A crisis is the most serious challenge that any organisation can face. It is an inherently abnormal, unstable and complex situation that represents a serious threat to the strategic objectives, reputation and, ultimately, the existence of an organisation.
Depending on the nature of your business, a range of incidents – as diverse and unexpected as fi re, cyber-attacks, fraud or product recalls – could happen that might threaten your company or can lead to a social media ‘shit storm’. Such incidents might start small but can quickly develop into a major crisis to the degree that your people, environment, assets and reputation (PEAR) are at risk. Most companies practice their crisis management procedures internally on a regular basis, but is this enough to be really prepared for a crisis situation?
Simulation, Training and Consultancy
Our in-depth assessment will highlight the specific risks for your company and how you can prepare yourself and your staff accordingly. With our strategic crisis management training, we prepare your people to deal with a crisis regardless of what form it takes. We provide professional training with credible scenarios in realistic settings that take place in a safe and confidential training environment. If you are unsure of the steps needed to improve your organisation’s capability to manage a crisis, our consultants can bring clarity.
You employees will make the difference
It is important to be aware that human and cultural factors can cause people stress when dealing with a crisis. Educating your employees in the processes involved in crisis management, and providing them with regular training, makes all the difference and increases the chances of averting a possible disaster.
Unique training approach
Because every crisis is unique and needs a tailored approach, leading through a crisis requires preparation and training. For more than 35 years, we have helped companies all over the world prepare for worst-case scenarios. In our brochure you can read about our unique training approach. Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss how we can assist your organisation. With our extensive experience in and knowledge of many industries, and our unique training approach, we can prepare your company so it is always ready to face the worst.
For more information, please contact us via or +31 181 376 666.