4-day specialist tank and tank bund firefighting training

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This course is designed for emergency response personnel how have a supervisory or advisory capacity when dealing with incidents involving atmospheric storage tank farms. The specialist should have a greater insight into the essential tasks and processes for controlling and mitigating incidents involving storage of hydrocarbon products at these facilities.

Aim & objectives
The delegate shall on conclusion of the training, be able to identify and explain the following:

  • specific tank design configurations, construction and safety provisions
  • understand the types of scenario for tank incidents and the associated escalation possibilities
  • understand the risk for responders and applying a dynamic risk assessment to tank incidents.
  • describe the procedures for specific tank incidents; mobilizing; assessing the situation; planning and implementing a response
  • understand the difference between defensive; transitional and offensive strategies for tank incidents
  • understand the importance of containment; fire water usage and run off containment
  • understand the effects of foam on the environment
  • understand the cooling requirements for tank incidents and the associated tactics and techniques
  • understand the foam application requirements and the associated tactics and techniques for different scenarios


  • preparation in responding to incidents
  • gathering information and risk assessment
  • determining objectives and planning a response
  • implementing and responses
  • table top exercises
  • tank table demonstrations
  • practical scenarios


4 days

More information and booking
For more information or if you want to book a course, please contact our Business Support on: +31 181 376 666 or fireacademy@nl.relyonnutec.com