Awareness session, introduction of crises and crisis management

RelyOn Fire Academy organises (tailor made) awareness sessions in which the crisis management team (CMT) will discuss the risks and potential crises that might threaten the organisation at a strategic level. Furthermore, the system of crisis management and function of the CMT are explained in this session. Improvements that come up during this session are preferably implemented before a table top exercise has been held.

Aim & objectives
The aim and objective of the awareness session is to equip the crisis management team members with knowledge and insights about the role and functioning of the CMT and to make the delegates aware of the potential crisis threats for their own organisation.

After participating in an awareness session of RelyOn Fire Academy, CMT members will be familiar with:

  • what a crisis is and what the possible effects and consequences of crises are
  • what crisis management and the relation of the CMT level to operational an tactical level is
  • the preparation that is needed so that the company is able to cope with crisis situations
  • the standard meeting process for decision making and the standard meeting agenda
  • the desired roles and tasks in an CMT
  • the current situation of the level of preparation of their own organisation (relevant plans of the organisation, possible lacks and adjustments/improvements that need to be made)

More information 
For more information, please contact our Business Support on: +31 181 376 666 or