Hazmat awareness level
Awareness level responders are those who in the course of normal duties could encounter an emergency involving hazardous materials. This course is designed on the safety aspects of an initial incident where the responder is expected to recognise the presence of a hazard, call for trained personnel and secure the scene.
Goal & objectives
The aims and objectives of this training are to equip the delegate with the necessary skills and knowledge required recognise and identify hazardous materials, initiate protective actions to protect staff from the hazard and notify the trained response teams.
- awareness of hazardous materials Recognition of hazardous materials;
- isolating the incident area and minimising the hazard
- communications
- practical scenario training
1 days
RelyOn Fire Academy Certificate, according to NFPA 1072 Chapter 4
More information and booking
For more information or if you want to book a course, please contact our Business Support on: +31 181 376 666 or fireacademy@nl.relyonnutec.com