Hazmat technician

This course is designed for individuals who are expected to respond to incidents involving hazardous materials. Their primarily role is to analyse problems involving hazardous materials, and to select the most appropriate method of mitigating and controlling a release of a hazardous material using specialized protective clothing and equipment. Instructional methods include class activities and table top and practical exercises.

Aim & objectives
The aims and objectives of the training are to equip the delegate with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform the role of hazardous material technician in accordance with the job performance requirements laid down in NFPA 1072 Chapter 7.


  • analysing the incident
  • planning a response
  • implement an action plan
  • advanced control, containment, and/or confinement operations
  • hazard and risk assessment techniques
  • practical scenario training

Hazardous material operator level training

5 days

RelyOn Fire Academy Certification, according to NFPA 1072 chapter 7

More information and booking
For more information or if you want to book a course, please contact our Business Support on: +31 181 376 666 or fireacademy@nl.relyonnutec.com