Industrial Fire Team Member - IFTM

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Target group
This program is designed to meet the initial industrial training and assessment requirements for an Industrial Fire Team Member (IFTM) in the industry. This course is developed to respond to emergency situations in hydrocarbon and chemical processing and handling installations. The Industrial Fire Team Member (IFTM) is able to perform the essential tasks for controlling and mitigating incidents involving fires, hazardous materials incident and/or rescue of persons, acting under the command of the Team Leader.


Training program
The aims and objectives of the training program are to equip the delegate with the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to perform the role of an Industrial Fire Team Member effectively. The principal of RelyOn Nutec Fire Academy training standards covers the training for positions in onshore operations, response to incident and emergency situations by operators/first responders, industrial fire fighters, incident commanders and the crisis management team. It is built on four levels, that are related to the impact of incidents and roles in the operational and response organization. RelyOn Nutec Fire Academy will maintain, develop and update these standards. This training has been accredited by JOIFF and is according to NFPA standards 1081 & 472. 

10 days


Training Location
RelyOn Fire Academy
Beerweg 71
3199 LM Maasvlakte-Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Course fee/person on request, including 10 continental lunches, JOIFF certificate as well as clothing, all training equipment, fuel, extinguishing agents, excluding hotel accommodation, local transport and VAT.

More information or registration of delegates: or +31(0) 181 376 666