Li-ion safety cours

There has been a huge increase in the application and scale of Li-ion batteries, which brings new insights and risks. There is a great deal of unfamiliarity about these risks and possible incidents with Li-ion batteries among emergency workers, manufacturers and transporters. How should you handle the storage and transport of these batteries, what measures should you take in the event of damage, how can you prevent incidents and which repressive measures and extinguishers are the most effective?

RelyOn Fire Academy, together with the experts from EnerSafe, offers the Li-ion safety course. Once you have participated in this course you will be more aware of the risks and know what preventive measures you can take to prevent incidents. We also inform you about the repressive measures you can take to be able to act adequately in the event of incidents.

The course is a combination of theoretical sessions and practical demonstrations to broaden your knowledge about the risks of Li-ion batteries. The following topics are covered during the course:

  • Knowledge and insight into the risks of Li-ion batteries
  • Insight into current standards and developments
  • Knowledge and experience of current and conceptual extinguishers
  • Lessons learned recent incidents

Target groups

  • Transport & logistics sector
  • Manufacturing companies
  • HSE officers
  • Emergency workers
  • Security officers

1 day

Training location
The location is the RelyOn Fire Academy Rotterdam training centre where we will show you what happens in case of a Li-ion batteries fire and have live demonstrations with current and conceptual extinguishing agents.

Price and dates
Prices and dates on request.

Information and booking
+31(0) 181 376 666

Download the li-ion safety course flyer.